Are you ready to prepare the wedding funds? As we know that everyone wants to have a wedding, including a wedding reception.

One of the aspects of a wedding reception that is very important is the budget.

This time, Finansialku will discuss ways to save on wedding costs and ways to prepare wedding funds smartly.


Secret and Smart Ways to Prepare Wedding Funds

Marriage is one of the events of a lifetime which is famous for its huge capital. Many say that getting married is expensive, so do it only once in a lifetime.

However, there are actually secrets and smart ways you can do to have a dream wedding without breaking your bankroll. Here’s how to properly prepare a wedding fund.

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#1 Draft and Discuss Total Budget Amounts

The first thing in a wedding plan is the concept of marriage. The concept of a wedding can be adjusted according to the budget needed, but it is not fixed to the budget you have.

The concept of a luxurious wedding does not have to cost a lot! This is where you have to be smart in managing your budget.

On the other hand, the concept of an intimate marriage without proper budget management will result in swelling funds.

Determine the concept that suits your wishes with your partner. Discuss this the first time with your partner. Then on both sides of the family.

After both parties agree, you can then discuss the total budget amount and its sources.

Do you want to use personal or parent’s money? Have your partner also contribute and so on.

Communication regarding money matters is very important. That’s why, make sure that you are open and honest and understand each other.


#2 Allocate Wedding Fund Early

Don’t wait when your wedding time is near before you try to raise the funds. It will only result in a financial burden.

Raise your wedding funds early on. Separate these funds from your finances so that you are not tempted to use them. You can use a savings account or a separate account.

One of the keys to being able to raise enough wedding funds is discipline. Don’t raise funds when you just remember or when you have extra cash.

Make a habit of saving money as your lifestyle. This way, you can collect funds more regularly and your funds will be collected.

An easy way to keep on saving is a frugal and simple lifestyle. Some of the easy things you can do are:

  • Use public transportation whenever possible
  • Bring supplies
  • Save electricity and water, and so on

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#3 Choose a Wedding Vendor Within Your Budget

The development of the internet and the sophistication of social media can have a negative influence on a person’s lifestyle. Many compare their lifestyle with the hedonistic lifestyle of socialites or artists.

This is no exception in the wedding industry where couples flock to use vendors that have been used by artists or socialites with the aim of “not to be outdone.”

 Expensive wedding vendors do not determine their quality. In addition, not all vendors used by others will suit the concept of marriage that you want.

An easy example is a decoration vendor who often works on indoor projects is not necessarily good at doing outdoor decoration. For that, choose an appropriate vendor, not a well-known one.

Apart from being appropriate, you should also try to choose a vendor that fits the budget that you have previously arranged. This way, you will avoid a bloated wedding budget.


#4 Avoid Things That Can Result in an Inflated Budget

When putting together your wedding plans, you can easily pick something that causes your budget to swell.

Some examples of things that can cause budget swelling are:

  • The guest list is growing beyond capacity
  • Decoration using fresh flowers
  • Wedding attire
  • Excess of souvenirs and wedding invitations


This is very common, especially if you and your partner don’t have self-control. The easiest way to avoid this is to distinguish between needs and wants. A necessity is something that is needed for your wedding party without which your wedding cannot be held. Desire is something you don’t need but want.

One simple example is when you are choosing a wedding dress. A wedding dress is a necessity, but a wedding dress by a famous designer is a wish.

Being smart in determining which one is really needed for your wedding is a good first step to starting a family. Also, remember to always see if your budget allows these expenses.


#5 Marriage is Not Just a Wedding

The thing to keep in mind when making wedding plans is that your wedding is not just when you have a reception. A large wedding party is not a determinant of the durability of your marriage.

Spending money only for one night but struggling later is not a wise thing to manage finances.

Many costs are needed for life after marriage. Starting from the place of residence to the cost of your child’s future needs.

Make sure that you are throwing enough parties without putting a strain on your finances.

Avoid borrowing money let alone going into debt to host your party. Use the funds you have sufficiently and maximize these funds.


#6 Provide an Emergency Fund

An emergency fund can come in handy before, during and after a wedding reception is held. These funds are important enough to prevent you from over-inflated wedding expenses or things that don’t go according to plan.

Even this emergency fund can be used for post-wedding needs. Therefore, it is very important to also include an emergency fund item in your wedding budget.


Arrange Marriage According to Budget

For those of you who are arranging a wedding, surely you are often tempted to spend more than what you set. If this happens, remember that you still need funds for other needs.

Stick to the plan so that your finances are not burdened later.

You can calculate the costs and wedding funds needed through the Finansialku app. Finansialku app helps you so that you can plan your finances and financial goals well.


Now you know the smart way to arrange your wedding funds so you can be smarter in spending money, but unfortunately, a lot of people still in their blind side and need your help to share this information.

You can share this to them so they could spend their money wiser and healthier.


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